“Dear Holy Father”

1 Mar

Since I stopped teaching middle school, I haven’t done much with this blog, but reading through some of these posts, it’s definitely worth reposting some of them for your reading pleasure. This one is from letters that Sr. Mary Ann had her fifth grade students write to Pope Benedict XV. Out of the mouth of babes . . .

What really happened

31 Aug

Sr. Rebecca: “So what happened after Jesus came up out of the water?”

7th grader: “He was completely dry!” RTGy6MqTL.jpeg

Popes and holy water

30 Apr

Sharing these from https://katechismkids.wordpress.com

Me: The disciples and missionaries spread the news about Jesus all over the world.
Girl: Even Antarctica?
Me: Well, I don’t think very many missionaries go there, people don’t really live in Antarctica.
Boy: Except Santa Claus!
Girl: And my grandma!

Me (putting an old photo of beardless Fr. Ed on the board): A pastor takes care of a parish; our parish is Christ the King and our pastor is Fr. Ed.
Boy: Hey, nice! That guy even kind of looks like Fr. Ed!

Me: Our Pope takes care of the whole church, did you know there are 2 billion Catholics in the world?
Boy: So that means only 5 billion left to learn about being Catholic!

You can read the rest here.

Two voices in the confessional

13 Mar

Another post on my now favorite kids’ blog:

Father: Who is really forgiving you in the Sacrament of Penance?
Class: Jesus!
Father: Right! So when you hear me speaking, you’re really hearing Jesus.
Boy: Uh, so we’re going to hear two voices in confession?

Read the rest here.

Two kinds of sin

5 Mar

More from First Communion Class:

Me: What are the two kinds of sin?
Boy: Uhhhh, mortal and victorious?

If you want to keep smiling, go here.

You know you’re teaching in a Catholic school when . . .

4 Mar

From one of our Sisters who teaches junior high: the students were asked to do some peer evaluations.  One of them wrote: “Make sure you annunciate.”

I can’t remember thing four

29 Jan

Some more goodies from KatechismKids:

Me: Remember I asked you to pay attention to details during Mass, I want you to share some of the things you noticed.
Girl: Candles!
Girl: The bells!
Boy: The really really big crucifix!
Boy: I noticed four things that I would like to share about: the standing, the sitting, the kneeling, and… and… I can’t remember thing four, but it was important.

You can read the rest here.

I broke his neck

15 Jan

From my new favorite kids’ quotes blog:

Me: What wonderful, amazing feast and celebration has happened since I last saw you!?
Boy: Me getting stitches!

Boy: Woah! What’s that!?
Boy: Oh this? It’s just my… PHONE!
Me: That’s getting zipped up into your coat pocket.
Boy: Aw man! But it has games on it!
Me: That’s why it’s going in your coat pocket.

Boy: Mrs. Cous guess what? Yesterday I broke my cousin’s neck.
Me: What? You broke his neck? How?
Boy: We were fighting and wrestling around and I just – shickt! – broke it.
Boy: Oh my gosh, did you kill him?
Boy: No, he’s fine.

You can read more here.

Santa is kind of fat

11 Dec

I found a treasure store of kids’ quotes from the First Communion class from our parish:

Boy: Santa is kind of fat. I don’t want to be mean or make fun of him, I’m just saying what is true.

Me: We have a fun busy class tonight. We’re having a special visitor come to us!
Boy: Who? WHO?
Me: It’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait to find out!
Girl: Oh that’s the only thing I don’t like about a surprise! You don’t know what it is and you have to wait!

Me: Who knows what the word banquet means?
Boy: A wedding!
Me: Not exactly, but they might have a banquet at a wedding…
Girl: A dinner!
Me: Right, so in the song when we sing “Heavenly banquet” that means ––
Boy: Mmmmm, the best food ever.

You can read the rest of “Dear Lord–wait nevermind!” here.

It’s been awhile

13 Nov

I was just thinking today about how I haven’t posted here in for ever.  And then I came across this.  Real conversations from a First Communion class.